
The site is hosted on Netlify.

Netlify’s PII policy is pretty straightforward, but the document is mostly written with the publisher (me) in mind. So I’ve reached out to their support/privacy team to help clarify their policy towards my visitors, and they’ve sent me the following summary:

  1. we use [the] data only for our service (it drives our Analytics feature), debugging, and in aggregate
  2. We store it not-in-aggregate for only up to 30 days max.
  3. We do not sell any of it, to any 3rd parties
  4. As it turns out, we do sometimes set cookies for your visitors! […] But they are all set by your configuration, not ours :). We do not set any tracking cookies, or anything like that, though
    • only what is required to support your specific config of the specific features that require it.

I did not enable any of the features that set cookies. No cookie for you!.

Overall I think it’s pretty fair, but you can contact me if you have any suggestions.